Pink News adlı sitede Scott Roberts imzasıyla yayınlanan 2 Ağustos tarihli habere göre İngiltere’de suç oranları genel olarak düşmesine rağmen “homofobik ve transfobik suçlar” giderek artıyor.
Makalede aktarılan bilgilere göre:
İngiltere’de her hafta 98 homofobik ve transfobik suç işleniyor.
2009 yılında yüzde 9 olan bu suçlar 2010 yılında yüzde 10’a 2011 yılında ise yüzde 11’e yükselmiş durumda. 2012 yılı rakamları ise henüz açıklanmış değil.
Homofobik suçların yüzde 25’i, transfobik suçların ise yüzde ellisi Londra’da gerçekleşiyor.
Her 8 lezbiyen, gey veya biseksüelden 1’i ve her 4 transseksüelden 3’ü yılda bir nefret suçuyla karşılaşır.
Her 4 heteroseksüleden 1’i suç ile karşı karşıya iken söz konusu olan lezbiyen, gey ve biseksüeller olduğunda bu oran 3’te 1’e yükselir.
Her 33 heteroseksüelden 1’i şiddetle karşılaşırken söz konusu olan lezbiyen, gey ve biseksüeller olduğunda bu oran 14’te 1’e yükselir.
Bu yazının aslını da okuyucularımızla paylaşıyoruz:
UK: Around 100 LGBT hate crimes are recorded each week by police
by Scott Roberts
2 August 2013, 2:00pm
Although crime rates may be dropping, a new report suggests LGBT people are still experiencing high levels of abuse in the UK.
Research by London LGBT hate crime charity Galop shows 98 homophobic and transphobic crimes are recorded each week by police across Britain.
A quarter of all reported homophobic crime and a fifth of all reported transphobic crime happens in London.
Compared with figures on other types of hate crime, such as racism, the proportion of homophobic hate crime at a national level is on the rise.
9% of UK reported hate crime was homophobic. That rose to 10% in 2010 and 11% in 2011. Figures for 2012 are still being processed.
Galop states over half of homophobic and transphobic crime is not reported to the police, meaning many people suffer in silence. 1 in 8 lesbian, gay or bisexual people are the target of hate crime each year.
3 in 4 transgender people are the target of hate crime annually.
LGBT people are also more likely to experience crime. 1 in 3 lesbian, gay and bisexual people experience a crime each year compared with only 1 in 4 heterosexual people.
1 in 14 lesbian, gay and bisexual people experience violence annually compared with 1 in 33 heterosexual people.
Nick Antjoule, who authored the report, said: “This highlights the violence and abuse against Londoners which remains unchallenged. The police do a great job in difficult circumstances but I think this should be a wakeup call for us all.
“Now we have marriage equality, it’s easy to think equality has been achieved. But the harder battles against homophobia, transphobia and biphobia are still to be won.
“Making sense of crime figures can be really tricky but we hope this will empower people to hold their local police and council to account.”
In April, the Metropolitan Police Service announced that homophobic crime across London had fallen by 12.7% – during March 2012 to March of this year.
However, several London boroughs including Barking & Dagenham recorded a rise.
The Met Police’s Barking and Dagenham LGBT Liaison Team claimed the rise in the borough was down to increased reporting – but the chairman of Barking and Dagenham’s LGBT network disagreed and warned against complacency.
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